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polliwog package


polliwog.box package

polliwog.box.box module
class polliwog.box.box.Box(origin, size)[source]

Bases: object

An axis-aligned cuboid or rectangular prism. It’s defined by an origin point, which is its minimum point in each dimension, and non-negative size (length, width, and depth).

  • origin (np.arraylike) – The x, y, and z coordinate of the origin, the minimum point in each dimension.
  • size (np.arraylike) – An array containing the width (dx), height (dy), and depth (dz), which must be non-negative.

The box’s geometric center.


The box’s depth. Same as max_z - min_z.


The center of the side of the box having the minimum y coordinate. This is center_point projected to the the level of min_y.

classmethod from_points(points)[source]

The smallest box which spans the given points.

Parameters:points (np.arraylike) – A kx3 array of points.
Returns:The smallest box which spans the given points.
Return type:Box

The box’s height. Same as max_y - min_y.


The box’s maximum x coordinate.


The box’s maximum y coordinate.


The box’s maximum z coordinate.


The x coordinate of the box’s center.


The y coordinate of the box’s center.


The z coordinate of the box’s center.


The box’s minimum x coordinate.


The box’s minimum y coordinate.


The box’s minimum z coordinate.


Ranges for each coordinate axis as a 3x2 np.ndarray.


The box’s surface area.


The box’s volume.


The box’s width. Same as max_x - min_x.

polliwog.line package

polliwog.line.functions module
polliwog.line.functions.project_to_line(points, reference_points_of_lines, vectors_along_lines)[source]
polliwog.line.line module
class polliwog.line.line.Line(point, along, assume_normalized=False)[source]

Bases: object

classmethod from_points(p1, p2)[source]

Find the intersection with another line.


Project a given point (or stack of points) to the plane.


Return two reference points on the line.

polliwog.line.line_intersect module
polliwog.line.line_intersect.line_intersect2(p0, q0, p1, q1)[source]

Intersect two lines: (p0, q0) and (p1, q1). Each should be a 2D point.

Adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/26416320/893113

polliwog.line.line_intersect.line_intersect3(p0, q0, p1, q1)[source]

Intersect two lines in 3d: (p0, q0) and (p1, q1). Each should be a 3D point. See this for a diagram: http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/270767/find-intersection-of-two-3d-lines

polliwog.plane package

polliwog.plane.coordinate_planes module
polliwog.plane.functions module

Given A, B, C, D of the plane equation Ax + By + Cz + D = 0, return the plane normal vector which is [A, B, C] and the offset D.


Given many sets of three points, return a stack of plane equations [A, B, C, D] which satisfy Ax + By + Cz + D = 0. Also works on three points to return a single plane equation.

These coefficients can be decomposed into the plane normal vector which is [A, B, C] and the offset D, either by the caller or by using normal_and_offset_from_plane_equations().

polliwog.plane.functions.plane_normal_from_points(points, normalize=True)[source]

Given a set of three points, compute the normal of the plane which passes through them. Also works on stacked inputs (i.e. many sets of three points).

This is the same as polliwog.tri.functions.surface_normals, to which this delegates.

polliwog.plane.functions.project_point_to_plane(points, plane_equations)[source]

Project each point to the corresponding plane.

polliwog.plane.functions.signed_distance_to_plane(points, plane_equations)[source]

Return the signed distances from each point to the corresponding plane.

For convenience, can also be called with a single point and a single plane.

polliwog.plane.intersections module
polliwog.plane.intersections.intersect_segment_with_plane(start_points, segment_vectors, points_on_plane, plane_normals)[source]
polliwog.plane.plane module
class polliwog.plane.plane.Plane(point_on_plane, unit_normal)[source]

Bases: object

A 2-D plane in 3-space (not a hyperplane).

  • point_on_plane, plane_normal:
    1 x 3 np.arrays

A canonical point on the plane, the one at which the normal would intersect the plane if drawn from the origin (0, 0, 0).

This is computed by projecting the reference point onto the normal.

This is useful for partitioning the space between two planes, as we do when searching for planar cross sections.


Returns parameters A, B, C, D as a 1 x 4 np.array, where

Ax + By + Cz + D = 0

defines the plane.

  • normalized:
    Boolean, indicates whether or not the norm of the vector [A, B, C] is 1. Useful when computing the distance from a point to the plane.
classmethod fit_from_points(points)[source]

Fits a plane whose normal is orthgonal to the first two principal axes of variation in the data and centered on the points’ centroid.


Creates a new Plane with an inverted orientation.

classmethod from_points(p1, p2, p3)[source]

If the points are oriented in a counterclockwise direction, the plane’s normal extends towards you.

classmethod from_points_and_vector(p1, p2, vector)[source]

Compute a plane which contains two given points and the given vector. Its reference point will be p1.

For example, to find the vertical plane that passes through two landmarks:

from_points_and_normal(p1, p2, vector)

Another way to think about this: identify the plane to which your result plane should be perpendicular, and specify vector as its normal vector.

line_segment_xsection(a, b)[source]
line_segment_xsections(a, b)[source]
line_xsection(pt, ray)[source]
line_xsections(pts, rays)[source]

Return the plane’s normal vector.

points_in_front(points, inverted=False, ret_indices=False)[source]

Given an array of points, return the points which lie either on the plane or in the half-space in front of it (i.e. in the direction of the plane normal).

  • points (np.arraylikw) – An array of points.
  • inverted (bool) – When True, invert the logic. Return the points that lie behind the plane instead.
  • ret_indices (bool) – When True, return the indices instead of the points themselves.
polyline_xsection(polyline, ret_edge_indices=False)[source]



Project a given point (or stack of points) to the plane.


The point used to create this plane.


Given an array of points, return an array with +1 for points in front of the plane (in the direction of the normal), -1 for points behind the plane (away from the normal), and 0 for points on the plane.


Returns the signed distances to the given points or the signed distance to a single point.

  • points:
    V x 3 np.array

polliwog.polyline package

polliwog.polyline.cut_by_plane module
polliwog.polyline.cut_by_plane.cut_open_polyline_by_plane(vertices, plane)[source]
polliwog.polyline.inflection_points module
polliwog.polyline.inflection_points.inflection_points(points, axis, span)[source]

Find the list of vertices that preceed inflection points in a curve. The curve is differentiated with respect to the coordinate system defined by axis and span.

Interestingly, lambda x: 2*x + 1 should have no inflection points, but almost every point on the line is detected. It’s because a zero or zero crossing in the second derivative is necessary but not sufficient to detect an inflection point. You also need a higher derivative of odd order that’s non-zero. But that gets ugly to detect reliably using sparse finite differences. Just know that if you’ve got a straight line this method will go a bit haywire.

axis: A vector representing the vertical axis of the coordinate system. span: A vector representing the the horiztonal axis of the coordinate system.

returns: a list of points in space corresponding to the vertices that immediately preceed inflection points in the curve

polliwog.polyline.polyline module
class polliwog.polyline.polyline.Polyline(v, is_closed=False)[source]

Bases: object

Represent the geometry of a polygonal chain in 3-space. The chain may be open or closed, and there are no constraints on the geometry. For example, the chain may be simple or self-intersecting, and the points need not be unique.

Mutable by setting polyline.v or polyline.closed or calling a method like polyline.partition_by_length().

Note this class is distinct from lace.lines.Lines, which allows arbitrary edges and enables visualization. To convert to a Lines object, use the as_lines() method.


Flip the polyline if necessary, so it’s aligned with the given vector rather than against it. Works on open polylines and considers only the two end vertices.


Find the most extreme point in the direction of the axis provided.

axis: A vector, which is an 3x1 np.array.


The bounding box which encompasses the entire polyline.


Return a copy of this polyline.


Return a np.array of edges. Derived automatically from self.v and self.is_closed whenever those values are set.


Flip the polyline from end to end. Return a new polyline.

index_of_vertex(point, atol=1e-08)[source]

Return the index of the vertex with the given point. If there are coincident vertices at that point, return the first one.

intersect_plane(plane, ret_edge_indices=False)[source]

Returns the points of intersection between the plane and any of the edges of polyline, which should be an instance of Polyline.

TODO: This doesn’t correctly handle vertices which lie on the plane.

classmethod join(*polylines, is_closed=False)[source]

Join together a stack of open polylines end-to-end into one contiguous polyline. The last vertex of the first polyline is connected to the first vertex of the second polyline, and so on.

nearest(points, ret_segment_indices=False)[source]

For the given query point or points, return the nearest point on the polyline. With ret_segment_indices=True, also return the segment indices of those points.


Return the number of segments in the polyline.


Return the number of vertices in the polyline.

partition_by_length(max_length, ret_indices=False)[source]

Subdivide each line segment longer than max_length with equal-length segments, such that none of the new segments are longer than max_length.

ret_indices: If True, return the indices of the original vertices.
Otherwise return self for chaining.
rolled(index, ret_edge_mapping=False)[source]

Return a new Polyline which reindexes the callee polyline, which much be closed, so the vertex with the given index becomes vertex 0.

ret_edge_mapping: if True, return an array that maps from old edge
indices to new.

The length of each of the segments.


Vectors spanning each segment.


Coordinate pairs for each segment.

sliced_at_indices(start, stop)[source]

Take an slice of the given polyline starting at the start vertex index and ending just befeor reaching the stop vertex index. Always returns an open polyline.

When called on a closed polyline, the indies can wrap around the end.

sliced_at_points(start_point, end_point, atol=1e-08)[source]

Take a slice of the given polyline at the given start and end points. These are expected to be on a vertex or on a segment. If on a segment (or near to but not directly on a segment) a new point is inserted at exactly the given point.


Return a new Polyline which keeps only the part that is in front of the given plane.

For open polylines, the plane must intersect the polyline exactly once.

For closed polylines, the plane must intersect the polyline exactly twice, leaving a single contiguous segment in front.


The total length of all the segments.

with_insertions(points, indices, ret_new_indices=False)[source]

Return a new polyline with the given points inserted before the given indices.

With ret_new_indices=True, also returns the new indices of the original vertices and the new indices of the inserted points.

with_segments_bisected(segment_indices, ret_new_indices=False)[source]

Return a new polyline with the given segments cut in half.

With ret_new_indices=True, also returns the new indices of the original vertices and the new indices of the inserted points.

polliwog.segment package

polliwog.segment.segment module
polliwog.segment.segment.closest_point_of_line_segment(points, start_points, segment_vectors)[source]
polliwog.segment.segment.partition(v, partition_size=5)[source]
V x N np.array of points in N-space
how many partitions intervals for each segment?

Fill in the line segments determined by v with equally spaced points - the space for each segment is determined by the length of the segment and the supplied partition size.

polliwog.segment.segment.partition_segment(p1, p2, n_samples, endpoint=True)[source]

For two points in n-space, return an np.ndarray of equidistant partition points along the segment determined by p1 & p2.

The total number of points returned will be n_samples. When n_samples is 2, returns the original points.

When endpoint is True, p2 is the last point. When false, p2 is excluded.

Partition order is oriented from p1 to p2.

  • p2 (p1,) – 1 x N vectors
  • partition_size – size of partition. should be >= 2.
polliwog.segment.segment.partition_segment_old(p1, p2, partition_size=5)[source]

Deprecated. Please use partition_segment.

For two points in n-space, return an np.ndarray of partition points at equal widths determined by ‘partition_size’ on the interior of the segment determined by p1 & p2.

Accomplished by partitioning the segment into ‘partition_size’ sub-intervals.

Partition order is oriented from p1 to p2.

  • p2 (p1,) – 1 x N vectors
  • partition_size – size of partition. should be > 1.

polliwog.transform package

polliwog.transform.affine_transform module
polliwog.transform.affine_transform.apply_affine_transform(points, transform_matrix)[source]

Apply the given transformation matrix to the points using homogenous coordinates.

(This works on any transformation matrix, whether or not it is affine.)

polliwog.transform.composite module
class polliwog.transform.composite.CompositeTransform[source]

Bases: object

Composite transform using homogeneous coordinates.


>>> transform = CompositeTransform()
>>> transform.scale(10)
>>> transform.reorient(up=[0, 1, 0], look=[-1, 0, 0])
>>> transform.translate([0, -2.5, 0])
>>> transformed_scan = transform(scan_v)
>>> # ... register the scan here ...
>>> untransformed_alignment = transform(alignment_v, reverse=True)

See also

__call__(points, from_range=None, reverse=False)[source]
  • points (np.arraylike) – Points to transform, as a 3xn array.
  • from_range (tuple) – The indices of the subset of the transformations to apply. e.g. (0, 2), (2, 4). When None, which is the default, apply them all.
  • reverse (bool) – When True applies the selected transformations in reverse. This has no effect on how range is interpreted, only whether the selected transformations apply in the forward or reverse mode.
append_transform3(forward, reverse=None)[source]

Append an arbitrary transformation, defined by 3x3 forward and reverse matrices.

The new transformation is added to the end. Return its index.

append_transform4(forward, reverse=None)[source]

Append an arbitrary transformation, defined by 4x4 forward and reverse matrices.

The new transformation is added to the end. Return its index.

convert_units(from_units, to_units)[source]

Convert the mesh from one set of units to another.

These calls are equivalent:

>>> composite.convert_units(from_units='cm', to_units='m')
>>> composite.scale(.01)

Supports the length units from Ounce: https://github.com/lace/ounce/blob/master/ounce/core.py#L26

reorient(up, look)[source]

Reorient using up and look.


Rotate by either an explicit matrix or a rodrigues vector


Scale by the given factor.

Forward: [[ s_0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, s_1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, s_2, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]]

Reverse: [[ 1/s_0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1/s_1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1/s_2, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]]

Parameters:factor (float) – The scale factor.
transform_matrix_for(from_range=None, reverse=False)[source]

Return a 4x4 transformation matrix representation.

range: The min and max indices of the subset of the transformations to
apply. e.g. (0, 2), (2, 4). Inclusive of the min value, exclusive of the max value. The default is to apply them all.
reverse: When True returns a matrix for the inverse transform.
This has no effect on how range is interpreted, only whether the forward or reverse matrices are used.

Translate by the vector provided.


[[ 1, 0, 0, v_0 ], [ 0, 1, 0, v_1 ], [ 0, 0, 1, v_2 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]]


[[ 1, 0, 0, -v_0 ], [ 0, 1, 0, -v_1 ], [ 0, 0, 1, -v_2 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]]
Parameters:vector (np.arraylike) – A 3x1 vector.
polliwog.transform.coordinate_manager module
class polliwog.transform.coordinate_manager.CoordinateManager[source]

Bases: object

Here’s the idea:

coordinate_manager = CoordinateManager() coordinate_manager.tag_as(‘source’) coordinate_manager.translate(-cube.floor_point) coordinate_manager.scale(2) coordinate_manager.tag_as(‘floored_and_scaled’) coordinate_manager.translate(np.array([0., -4., 0.])) coordinate_manager.tag_as(‘centered_at_origin’)

coordinate_manager.source = cube centered_mesh = coordinate_manager.centered_at_origin

__setattr__(name, points)[source]

value: An nx3 array of points or an instance of Mesh.

append_transform3(*args, **kwargs)[source]
append_transform4(*args, **kwargs)[source]
convert_units(*args, **kwargs)[source]
do_transform(points, from_tag, to_tag)[source]
reorient(*args, **kwargs)[source]
rotate(*args, **kwargs)[source]
scale(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Give a name to the current state.

translate(*args, **kwargs)[source]
polliwog.transform.rigid_transform module
polliwog.transform.rigid_transform.find_rigid_rotation(a, b, allow_scaling=False)[source]
  • a – a 3xN array of vertex locations
  • b – a 3xN array of vertex locations

Returns: R such that R.dot(a) ~= b

See link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthogonal_Procrustes_problem

polliwog.transform.rigid_transform.find_rigid_transform(a, b, visualize=False)[source]
  • a – a 3xN array of vertex locations
  • b – a 3xN array of vertex locations

Returns: (R,T) such that R.dot(a)+T ~= b Based on Arun et al, “Least-squares fitting of two 3-D point sets,” 1987. See also Eggert et al, “Estimating 3-D rigid body transformations: a comparison of four major algorithms,” 1997.

polliwog.transform.rodrigues module
polliwog.transform.rodrigues.rodrigues(r, calculate_jacobian=False)[source]
polliwog.transform.rotation module
polliwog.transform.rotation.euler(xyz, order='xyz', units='deg')[source]
polliwog.transform.rotation.rotation_from_up_and_look(up, look)[source]

Rotation matrix to rotate a mesh into a canonical reference frame. The result is a rotation matrix that will make up along +y and look along +z (i.e. facing towards a default opengl camera).

up: The direction you want to become +y. look: The direction you want to become +z.

polliwog.tri package

polliwog.tri.functions module
polliwog.tri.functions.barycentric_coordinates_of_points(vertices_of_tris, points)[source]

Compute barycentric coordinates for the projection of a set of points to a given set of triangles specfied by their vertices.

These barycentric coordinates can refer to points outside the triangle. This happens when one of the coordinates is negative. However they can’t specify points outside the triangle’s plane. (That requires tetrahedral coordinates.)

The returned coordinates supply a linear combination which, applied to the vertices, returns the projection of the original point the plane of the triangle.

  • vertices_of_tris (np.arraylike) – A set of triangle vertices as kx3x3.
  • points (np.arraylike) – Coordinates of points as kx3.

Barycentric coordinates as kx3

Return type:


See also

polliwog.tri.functions.contains_coplanar_point(a, b, c, point, atol=1e-08)[source]

Assuming point is coplanar with the triangle ABC, check if it lies inside it.

polliwog.tri.functions.coplanar_points_are_on_same_side_of_line(a, b, p1, p2, atol=1e-08)[source]
polliwog.tri.functions.surface_normals(points, normalize=True)[source]

Compute the surface normal of a triangle. The direction of the normal follows conventional counter-clockwise winding and the right-hand rule.

Also works on stacked inputs (i.e. many sets of three points).

polliwog.tri.quad_faces module
polliwog.tri.quad_faces.quads_to_tris(quads, ret_mapping=False)[source]

Convert quad faces to triangular faces.

quads: An nx4 array. ret_mapping: A bool.

When ret_mapping is True, return a 2nx3 array of new triangles and a 2nx3 array mapping old quad indices to new trangle indices.

When ret_mapping is False, return the 2nx3 array of triangles.

polliwog.tri.shapes module
polliwog.tri.shapes.create_cube(origin, size, ret_unique_vertices_and_faces=False)[source]

Return vertices (or unique verties and faces) with an axis-aligned cube. One vertex is origin; the diametrically opposite vertex is size units along +x, +y, and +z.

size: int or float.


Creates a horizontal plane.

polliwog.tri.shapes.create_rectangular_prism(origin, size, ret_unique_vertices_and_faces=False)[source]

Return vertices (or unique verties and faces) of an axis-aligned rectangular prism. One vertex is origin; the diametrically opposite vertex is origin + size.

size: 3x1 array.

polliwog.tri.shapes.create_triangular_prism(p1, p2, p3, height, ret_unique_vertices_and_faces=False)[source]

Return vertices (or unique verties and faces) of a triangular prism whose base is the triangle p1, p2, p3. If the vertices are oriented in a counterclockwise direction, the prism extends from behind them.

Imported from lace.

Indices and tables